+233 (0) 302 962 720

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Information Briefs

Cleaning from the Bottom Up: Integrating the Informal Waste Collector into the Waste Management System

The 5-year LIRA program seeks to increase the production of high-quality, integrated (inter- and transdisciplinary), solutions-oriented research on global sustainability by early career scientists in Africa.

PDF icon LIRA Policy Brief.pdf
ASSAR Student Theses Compilation

This provides information on the students, titles and links to theses and other outputs from the ASSAR-sponsored students from the University of Ghana.

PDF icon ASSAR Ghana Student Theses.pdf
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction: District-level collaboration for flood mitigation in Accra, Ghana

This brief argues that the integration of infrastructure- and ecosystem-based solutions are necessary for effective flood management and makes a strong case for the adoption of the ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction approach, a nature-based solution in addressing the flood

PDF icon PB Flood mitigation Accra Ghana - Web.pdf
Fifth West African Coastal Observation Mission (WACOM) Newsletter: West Africa needs new approach in managing coastal erosion

This brief features Prof. Kwasi Appeaning Addo (Director, IESS), a member of the West African Coastal Observation Mission (WACOM) regional scientific committee as he shared his views on the impact of shoreline change on increased coastal erosion and the need to adopt ecosystem based management approaches as the effective means of protecting and mitigating the impact of coastal erosion. 

PDF icon Fifth West African Coastal Observation Mission (WACOM) Bulletin-min.pdf
Formalizing the Informal Waste Sector in Ga-East Municipal Assembly

The Ga-East Municipal Assembly in collaboration with the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS) under the College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Green Africa Youth Organization and the Bola Taxi and Aboboya Association have initiated activi

PDF icon Formalizing The Informal Waste Sector in Ga-East.pdf

ASSAR’s Regional Diagnostic Study phase, completed in March 2016, took stock of the current state of knowledge on the extant and emergent climatic and non climatic risks in Africa and India.

PDF icon West Africa RDS short summary in BN format.pdf
How can climate change adaptation in the semi-arid regions of West Africa be more effective and widespread? Evidence from Ghana and Mali

ASSAR is a research project being undertaken in the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia, examining the dynamics and drivers of vulnerability, while exploring ways to enhance the resilience of people, local organisations and governments.

PDF icon WA Brief #2.pdf
Planning for Climate Change in the Dryland Areas of West Africa

The semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas of West Africa experience strong inter-annual and inter-decadal climate variability.

PDF icon WA Brief #1.pdf
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture and food security in the Upper West Region of Ghana AN OVERVIEW

In West Africa, ASSAR works in the semi-arid and dry sub-humid parts of Ghana and Mali — areas that are increasingly exposed to climatic extremes of droughts, floods and heavy rainfall. These changing conditions impact different people in different ways.

PDF icon TSP in Ghana - information brief - March 2017.pdf
Migration in Climate Change Hotspots: Opportunities and Challenges for Adaptation

This brief examines opportunities and threats to adaptation in climate change hotspots in semi-arid (Northern) and deltaic (Southern) zones in Ghana: two districts in the Upper West Region, and nine districts in the Volta Delta (Fig 1). Large numbers of people in the study site

PDF icon Migration Brief.pdf