2016 IESS Research Fellows Publications:
- Abiye, T., Mensah, A., Pietersen, K., Businge, M., & Nyalugwe, K. (2016). Water, In UNEP"GE06 Regional Assessment for Africa (pp. 52-72), United Nations Environment Programme: Nairobi.
- Aboagye, S, Danso, E, Ampah, K, A., Nakobu, Z., Asare, P., Otchere, I. D., Roltgen, K, Yirenya- Tawiah, D, Yeboah-Manu (2016). Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from the Environment of Buruli Ulcer Endemic Communities in Ghana. Applied Environmental Microbiology, doi: 10.1128/ AEM.O 1 002-16
- Acheampong, E.A and Nukpezah, D. (2016) Assessing the Impact of an Operating Tailings Storage Facility on Catchment Surface and Groundwater Quality in the Ellembele District of the Western Region of Ghana. Environment and Pollution; Vol. 5,No~'2::::';'
- Adama, M. Esena, R. Fosu-Mensah, B. and Yirenya-Tawiah, D. (2016). Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils around a Hospital WasteIncinerator Bottom Ash Dumps Site. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, (2016), 1-6
- Addo, M.A., Darko, E.O. Gordon, C., Davor, P., Ameyaw, F., Affum, H., Gbadago, J.K. Dzide S. (2016) Human Health Risk Assessment of Airborne Trace Elements for Human Receptors in the vicinity ofthe Diamond Cement Factory, Volta Region, Ghana. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol. 11 (4) 522-536
- Ahmed, A., Lawson, E. T., Mensah, A., Gordon, c., & Padgham, J. (2016), Adaptation to climate change or non-climatic stressors in semi-arid regions? Evidence of gender differentiation in three agrarian districts of Ghana Environmental Development, 001: 10.IOI6Zi.envdev.2016.08.002
- Ayivor, J.S., Pabi, 0., Ofori, B.D., Yirenya-Taiwiah, D.R. & Gordon, C. (2016). Agro-Oiversity in the Forest-Savannah Transition Zone of Ghana: A Strategy for Food Security against Climatic and Socio-Economic Stressors. Environment and Natural Resources Research; 6(1) 1-12. doi:10.5539/enrr.v6n1p1
- Bariagabre A.S" AsanteI. K., Gordon C. and Ananng, Ted Y. (2016): Cactus Pear (Opuntiaficus-indica L): A Future Asset for Sustainability of Dry lands in NorthernEthiopia. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 5, No 3. (2016) pp: 846 - 860.
- Bariagabre AS., Asante 1. K., Gordon C. and Ananng Ted Y. (2016): Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) a valuable crop for restoration of degraded soils in Northern Ethiopia. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. Vol. 6, No.8. (2016). pp: 11-18.
- Borchardt, D., Gordon.C, Alcamo, J., Dannisee, J. G., MUller, & Mensah, A. (2016). Solutions to the Water Quality Challenge: A Preliminary Review, In UNEP, A Snapshot of the World's Water Quality: Towards a Global Assessment (pp. 81-93), United Nations Environment Programme: Nairobi.
- Dankyi, E., Carboo D, Gordon C, Fomsgaard IS 2016 Application of the QuEChERS procedure and LC-MSIMS for the assessment of neonicotinoid insecticide residues in cocoa beans and shells Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 44, 149-157
- Dzingirai, V., Bett, "B.;"Bukachi, S., & Lawson, E., Mangwanya, 1., Scoones, I., Waldman, 1., Wilkinson, A., Leach, M. and Winnebah, T. (2016). Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa. Critical Public Health DOl: 10.1080/09581596.2016.1187260
- Ersing, R.1., Ayivor, J. S., Alhassan, 0., Caruson, K. (2016). Ecological Social Work in a Developing Nation: Africa. In McKinnon, J., Alston, M. (eds) Ecological Social Work: Towards Sustainability Palgrave Macmillan pp 125-140.
- Few, R., Bendapudi. R., Mensah, A. & Spear, D. (2016). Transformation in adaptation: learning from ASSAR's Regional Diagnostic Studies. ASSAR Working Paper
http://www.assar.uct.ac.za/sites/defaultlfiles/image _ tooVimages/13 8/Working_Papers/ CARIAA-ASSAR%20working%20paper%201 %20- %20Transformation%20in%20Adaptation.pdf - Fosu-Mensah, B. Y. and Mensah, M. (2016). The effect of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers on grain yield, nutrient uptake and use efficiency of two maize (Zea mays 1.) varieties under rain fed condition on Haplic Lixisol in the forest-savannah transition zone of Ghana'. Environmental Systems Research, 5 (22), 1- 17.
- Fosu-Mensah, B. Y., Okoffo, E. D. and Mensah: M. (2016). Synthetic Pyrethroids Pesticide Residues in Soils and Drinking Water Sources from Cocoa Farms in Ghana. Environment and Pollution,S (l), 60-72.
- Fosu-Mensah, B. Y., Okoffo., E. D., Darko, G. and Gordon, C. (20l6a). Organophosphorus pesticide residues in soils and drinking water sources from cocoa producing areas in Ghana. Environmental System Research, 5 (10), 1-12.
- Fosu-Mensah, B. Y., Okoffo., E. D., Darko, G. and Gordon, C. (20 l6b). Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in soils and drinking water sources from cocoa farms in Ghana. SpringerPlus, 5 (869), 1-13.
- Gordon, C., Mensah, A.M. & Nikiema, J. (2016). Water Quality and Public Health, In Williams, T.O., Mul, M.L., Biney, C.A., Smakhtin, V. (Eds.), Volta River Basin: Water for Food, Economic Growth and Environment (pp. 214-227), Routledge: London.
- Hogarh IN., Adu-Gyamfi E. Nukpezah, D., Osei Akoto and Adu-Kumi S. (2016) Contamination from mercury and other heavy metals in a mining district in Ghana: Disceming recent trends from sediment core analysis. Environ Syst Res (2016) 5: 15,001 I 0.1186/s40068~OI6-0067-0.
- Koranteng, S.S; Ameka, G.K; and Owusu E.O. (2016). Drawdown Farming and Pesticide Residue Levels of the Afram River in Ghana International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. 2016; 4(3): 102-109. doi: 10.11648(j.ijema.20160403.16
- Lawson E. T, Ayivor, J. S., Ohemeng, F. & Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y. (2016). Social Determinants of a Potential Spillover of Bat-Borne Viruses to Humans in Ghana. International Journal of Biology; 8(2), 66-76. doi: 1 0.5539/ijb.v8n2p66.
- Lawson, E. T. (2016). Negotiating stakeholder participation in the Ghana National Climate Change Policy International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 8 (3), DOl: 10.l108/IJCCSM-04-2015-0041
- Mensah, A. & Gordon, C. (2016). Water pollution in River Basins: River Basin 3- Volta, In UNEP, A Snapshot of the World's Water Quality: Towards a Global Assessment (pp. 59-62), United Nations Environment Programme: Nairobi.
- Mensah, A., Anderson, K. & Nelson, W. (2016). Review of Adaptation Related Policies in Ghana, DECCMA Working Paper, Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation, IDRC Project Number 107642. http://www.geodata.soton.ac.uk/deccmaluploads _ workingyapers/DECCMA _ WP6 _ Ghana_Adaptation yolicies _ workingpaper _final_ 20160324_ 092808.pdf
- Ofori, B. D., Elaine T. Lawson, E. T., Ayivor. J S., and Kanlisi, R. (2016). Sustainable livelihood adaptation in dam-affected Volta Delta, Ghana: Lessons of NGO support. Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 9, No.3.
- Okoffo, E. D., Denkyirah, E. K., Adu, D. T. and Fosu-Mensah, B. Y. (2016). A Double-Hurdle Model estimation of cocoa farmers' willingness to pay for crop insurance in Ghana. SpringerPlus, 5 (873), 1-19.
- Okoffo, E. D., Fosu-Mensah, B. Y.~ and Gordon, C (2016). Persistent organochlorine pesticide residues in cocoa beans from Ghana, a concern for public health. International Journal of Food Contamination, 3 (5), 1-11.
- Okoffo, E. D., Mensah, M. and Fosu-Mensah, B. Y. (2016). Pesticides exposure and the use of Personal Protective Equipment by cocoa farmers in Ghana. Environmental system
Research, 5 (17), 1-15. - Pesewu ,G. A., Bentum, D., Olu- Taiwo M.A., Glover, K and Yirenya- Tawiah D.R (2016). Bacteriological quality of the wastewater used for irrigation at the vegetable farms in Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, Accra Metropolis, Ghana Tropical Doctor, 1-5, DOl: 10.1177/0049475516629534.
- Van Dyck, I.P., Nunoo, F .K.E. & Lawson, E. T. (2016). An empirical assessment of marine debris, seawater quality and littering in Ghana. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4, 21-36. http://dx.doi.org/l0.4236/gep.2016.45003
- Yirenya-Tawiah, D. R., Ackumey, M. M., & Bosompem, K. M. (2016). Knowledge and awareness of genital involvement and reproductive health consequences of urogenital
schistosomiasis in endemic communities in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Reproductive Health, 13, 117. http://doi.orgIl0.1186/s 12978-016-0238-5