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NEWW Project Career Fair Held

The Network for Labour-Market Oriented Education in Waste and Water Management (NEWW) project aims to tackle the challenges, failures, and instability in the labour market's waste and water management sectors in Ghana and Rwanda. NEWW hinges on three pillars, TeachingResearch, and Transfer with five major activities including career fairs. Career fairs are an activity under Transfer, which is the pillar to strengthen partnerships between the partner universities and the waste and water management industry through student internships and the carrying out annual career-promoting events to attract employment from waste and water management companies for students. The first edition of the NEWW Project Career Fair (February 26 - 28 2024), was hosted by the University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), Rwanda under the theme, 'Rainwater Treatment for Drinking and Watering'. The Career Fair sought to facilitate internship, and employment opportunities and create awareness of start-up opportunities in the waste and water management sector. In addition, insights from this career fair are expected to inform the development of a short course as part of a training programme in rainwater treatment for drinking and watering for UTAB students. The Fair which brought together Faculty and Students from the three partner Universities (University of Oldenburg, University of Ghana, and University of Technology and Arts of Byumba), and companies in the waste and water management sectors in Germany and Rwanda also had in attendance Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez (University of Oldenburg), the overall Coordinator for the NEWW project.

BWS Plus Collaborative Exchange Programme kicks off

A successful meeting (via Zoom) was held on May 27 to formally commence the BWS Plus Exchange Programme between the Institute and the University of Applied Forest Sciences (HFR) in Rottenburg, Germany. The meeting was to introduce participating students and team to the programme, provide the opportunity for participants to know each other (virtually) and organise into working groups.