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BWS Plus Collaborative Exchange Programme kicks off

01 June 2020

A successful meeting (via Zoom) was held on May 27 to formally commence the BWS Plus Exchange Programme between the Institute and the University of Applied Forest Sciences (HFR) in Rottenburg, Germany. The meeting was to introduce participating students and team to the programme, provide the opportunity for participants to know each other (virtually) and organise into working groups. Following overview presentations, the five teams from HFR presented their proposed micro-business ideas for waste management for consideration. The Ghanaian students then joined respective teams based on interest and subsequently went into breakout groups to discuss the suitability and feasibility, and made initial inputs into fine-tuning workable ideas.

Of the five, teams 1 – 3 are exploring ideas around plastic recycling while teams 4 and 5 are working on paper and organic waste recycling respectively. Going forward, these teams would continue to work on and fine-tune their ideas, with input from local experts (Ghanaian students and team) virtually until such a time when it becomes possible for a physical meeting. Per the Programme’s earlier schedule, students from HFR were expected in the University of Ghana in May but this became impossible due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



The Baden-Wurttenmburg Stiftung (BWS) is a Collaborative Exchange Programme (2019-2022) between the Institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS) and the University of Applied Forest Sciences (HFR) Rottenburg, Germany. The Exchange is focused on the “Problem areas and solutions for a sustainable and income-generating waste management in Ghana.” with the view of developing sustainable micro-businesses solutions for waste management. The active involvement of students from both institutions in the Exchange is aimed at promoting learned experiences and building students’ capacity in developing micro business projects focused on waste management. The programme involves student and staff educational exchanges including excursions to Ghana and Germany respectively, and the development and implementation of micro-business projects to promote intercultural exchange and entrepreneurial thinking. Specifically, IESS-HFR collaboration intends to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Identify or appreciate the issues of waste management from an African perspective
  2. Provide an opportunity for students in Ghana and Germany through virtual learning platforms and exchange visits to Germany and Ghana identify problems, learn from each other and develop sustainable waste management related micro-businesses.
  3. Undertake joint development of micro-business projects with student involvement