+233 (0) 302 962 720

Box LG 209, Legon, Accra

The Network for Labour-Market oriented Education in Waste and Water Management (NEWW) Project

Waste and water are essential resources that require proper management to harness the benefits therein efficiently and human resource is fundamental to achieving this. The Network for Labour-Market-oriented Education in Waste and Water Management (NEWW) project has been rolled out to build scientific and technological capacities in these sectors for the labour market. This project is a network of partnerships involving the University of Oldenburg in Germany, the University of Ghana (UG) and the University of Arts and Technology Byumba (UTAB) in Rwanda. Also included in this network are business partners within the circular economy, water management, waste sector and related fields. NEWW is built upon labour market conditions in development strategies and innovative research. The network aims to make a highly relevant contribution in the context of labour market stability and employability within the target sectors of water and waste management within the partner countries.


Project Goal and Objectives

The main goal of NEWW is to strengthen the labour market in the waste and water management sectors in Ghana and Rwanda. To achieve this goal, NEWW is built on three pillars: Teaching, Research and Transfer. The foundations of these pillars are existing degree programmes as well as local university-industry networks and the international university network.

The main objectives of the project are to:
  • Strengthen the teaching structure at UG and UTAB to better meet labour market demands in Water Management and the Waste Sector
  • Improve the labour market orientation of waste and water research at the institutions to bring innovation into the sectors
  • Align the interests of university and business partners to create sustainable partnerships


Project Duration

June, 2023 – December, 2026


Project Coordinator, Ghana

Daniel Nukpezah, PhD

