Prosper Adiku is a Project Staff at the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), University of Ghana. With his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Oceanography and Fisheries, and Oceanography respectively, he has a strong background in research, particularly climate change risks, vulnerabilities and impacts. He has worked with many international and local organisations, carrying out research, stakeholder engagement and communication activities. His interests and skills are in climate change, science communication and the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in understanding and providing solutions to climate and environmental impacts on climate hotspots, including coastal areas. Email:
Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Environmental Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Jan. 2021 (Ongoing)
Master of Philosophy Degree (M.Phil.) in Oceanography, University of Ghana, Legon, 2010 – 2013 (Thesis on Flood risk assessment of the Greater Accra Region)
Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.) in Oceanography (major) and Fisheries (minor), University of Ghana, Legon, 2005 - 2009
Coordinator, Baden-Wurttenmburg Stiftung (BWS) Collaborative Exchange Programme (between IESS and University of Applied Forest Sciences (HFR), Rottenburg, Germany)
Host, IESS Radio Talk Show Programme, ‘You and the Environment’ on Radio Univers 105.7FM
- Supports stakeholder engagements (workshop and meeting organisation), project management, reporting and communication for the SCiLeD Project.
Developed and implemented a visibility strategy for Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) and Deltas, Vulnerability & Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA) in Ghana. Provided communications, events and stakeholder engagement support including managing a blog[1] for information and news dissemination on the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) - ASSAR & DECCMA projects
Supported the organisation and implementation of various student activities, including workshops and field trips to case study sites, during the project period
Lead Recipient, Small Opportunities Grant Award under the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) Project to implement the sub-activity Climate Adaptation through Youth Innovation (CATYI)[2] in Senior High Schools in the project area of Lawra and Nandom in the Upper West Region, Ghana (Total Contract Amount USD 3,443.00).
Co-recipient, Small Opportunities Grant Award under the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) Project to implement the sub-activity Grants for Local Adaptation Support (GLAS)[3] that provided climate information and capacity building support to women livelihood groups in Lawra and Nandom. (Total Contract Amount USD 3,443.00).
Supported the development and implementation of the Small Opportunities Grant Award under the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) Project to implement the sub-activity Scenario Based Capacity Building (SBCB)[4] that provided capacity building for dry season irrigation farmers in Lawra and Nandom. (Total Contract Amount USD 5,000.00).
Assisted in data collection and stakeholder engagements events (organisation of workshops and conferences).
Planned, coordinated and supervised data collection activities for IPA under the Enhancing the Productive Assets of Micro Entrepreneurs (EPAME) Project.
Assisted in organising, supervising & evaluating undergraduate field and laboratory experiments and also invigilated end of semester examinations
- Supported the assessment and monitoring of quality & safety standards of fish & fishery industries, provision of guidance to fishery & food industries to enhance compliance with safety standards and the writing of inspection reports.
- Contributing Author, Report on Baseline Survey in Sogakope and Keta Municipalities on Women’s Land Rights, as part of the Empowering Women and Transforming Gender Relations in the Volta Delta, Ghana Project of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) Programme (August 2020)
- Prosper Adiku (2020). BWS Plus Collaborative Project (2019-2022) Annual Project Report (2020). Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), December 2020
- Christopher Gordon, Dr. Adelina Mensah & Prosper Adiku (2019). Promoting Research into Use through Networking and Engagement (PRUNE) Activities of the CARIAA Ghana's Country Engagement Group. Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), University of Ghana, Legon IDRC Project Centre File Number: 108146-001
- Prosper Adiku, Rahinatu Sidiki Alare & Wendy Boakye (2018). ASSAR Small Opportunity Grants (SOG): Climate Adaptation Through Youth Innovation (CATYI) Competition. Technical Report, August, 2018. ASSAR Project, Ghana.
- July - December 2016: Contributing Author & Stakeholder Consultations, Ghana State of the Environment 2016 Report, implemented by the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), coordinated by the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with funding from the World Bank.
- April - October 2015: Team Member, for the development of the Strategic Communication Plan (SCP) for the Regional Implementation Centre (RIC) of the Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (FED/2014/331697) Project based at the University of Ghana.
- June 2018: Adaptation Futures 2018/CARIAA Annual Learning Review, Cape Town, South Africa
- Jan. 2017: 6th DECCMA Consortium Workshop University of Southampton, United Kingdom
- Jul. 2016: Stories of Change (SoC) Workshop, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis, Ethiopia.
- Jun/Nov 2016: Co-organiser/Participant, ASSAR Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) Workshops 1&2, Blue Hill Hotel/Nuoyong Empire Hotel, Wa Ghana
- May 2016: Guest expert, USAID and the International Researches and Exchanges Board (IREX Ghana) session on "Assessing Readiness for Climate Change Adaptation Reforms" of the West Africa Regional Conference (May 19, 2016) of the Mandela Washington Fellowship. The session was part of the three-day (19-21 May) West Africa Regional Conference under the theme “Inclusion for Sustainable Development.”
- May– Jul. 2010: Participant, Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean, Marine and Polar Sciences (UREOMPS)[1], Elizabeth City State University, North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Jul. 2009: Participant[2], International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society’09 [IGARSS] Symposium, University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.
- 2009: Participant National Science and Policy Dialogue on Climate Change, Centre for African Wetlands University of Ghana
5. Conferences Organised
January 2019: Lead organizer, The Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Areas (ASSAR)[1] Project National Level Dissemination Workshop, Alisa Hotel, Swiss Spirit, North Ridge Accra (January 8, 2019)
February 2018: Member of organising team, Science-Policy Workshop on Water and Energy on behalf of the IESS and the Governance & Sustainability Lab, Trier University, Germany (African Regent Hotel, Accra), (February 21, 2018)
October 2017: Lead organizer, for the participation of the ASSAR & DECCMA Teams at the United Nations University-World Institute for Development and Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) International Conference[2] on Migration and Mobility (5-6 October)
July 2017: Member of Organising Team, The Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Areas (ASSAR)[3] Annual Consortium Meeting, Royal Senchi Hotel, Akosombo, Ghana (26-30 July, 2017)
July 2017: Member of Organising Team, Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA)[4] Project 7th Annual Consortium Workshop, Royal Senchi Hotel, Akosombo (1-5 July, 2017)
July 2016: Organiser/Moderator, the Research into Use (RiU) panel[5] discussion (July 20, 2016) during the 5th Climate Change and Population Conference on Africa (CCPOP 2016) (19th - 22nd July, 2016)
6. Publications and Communication Products
A. Publications
- Sarku R., Appiah D.O., Adiku P., Alare R.S., Dotsey S. (2021) Digital Platforms in Climate Information Service Delivery for Farming in Ghana. In: Leal Filho W., Oguge N., Ayal D., Adeleke L., da Silva I. (eds) African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Springer, Cham.
- Adiku, P. & Khan, A. (2018). Migration in Climate Change Hotspots: Opportunities and Challenges for Adaptation. Information Brief[1]. CARIAA
- Rahinatu Sidiki Alare, Prosper Adiku, Prince Ansah, Adelina Mensah, Elaine Tweneboah Lawson, Mary Thompson-Hall & Tali Hoffman (2017). Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture & food security in the Upper West Region of Ghana: An Overview. Information Brief[2].
- Mensah, A.M., Wiafe, G., Niane, M., Agyekum, K.A, Foli, B.A., Azumah, D.M.Y, Williams, I., Boakye, A.A., & Adiku, P.Y. (2016). Strategic Communication Plan: Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (FED/2014/331697). Digibooks Ghana Ltd: Accra, 129 pp.
B. Blogs and Online Videos
- Katherine Vincent & Prosper Adiku (2017). To migrate or not to migrate? That is the question. Article[3].
- Prosper Adiku (September, 20116). Sharing Research Experiences: The CARIAA Ghana example. Event Report7.
- Supported the production of the DECCMA story of change video on mangrove afforestation in the lower Volta Delta of Ghana, available on YouTube[4].
- Contributed to ‘Case Study: Ghana - Diversifying capacity development activities to influence diverse stakeholder groups’ as part of knowledge sharing on best RiU experiences in MOOC, organized by OXFAM[5].
[2] Trip Report: