+233 (0) 302 962 720

Box LG 209, Legon, Accra

Prof. Dzidzo Yirenya-Tawiah

Senior Research Fellow

DzidzoYirenya-Tawiah is an Environmental and Public Health Research Scientist whose work have been focused on water related diseases, environmental health and water & sanitation.  She also has undertaken several community-based studies across Ghana and has strong community mobilization and engagement skills as well as project management abilities.  She is the Coordinator of the Utilization of Organic Waste for Agricultural Improvement, an action-oriented research project aimed at promoting sustainable waste management and food security in Ga-West Municipal Assembly.  She is also involved in the Special Treat Project (STP) and has conducted the baseline research on sanitation in Ga West, Ga Central and Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipalities in Ghana

Dzidzo is a Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), University of Ghana.  She holds a PhD degree in Zoology, from the University of Ghana, and an MPH Degree in Public Health from University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.  At the IESS she is the Coordinator of the PhD program in Sustainable Sanitation and Health and also contributes in the handling of Eco-system Disaster Risk Management and Environmental Impact Assessment courses run by the Institute.  She led the development of the new M.Phil. Environmental Sanitation Program which is upcoming in the next academic year.  She has over fifteen peer reviewed publications.

Educational History:

  • 2010: PhD, Zoology, University of Ghana
  • 2001: Master of Public Health (MPH), University of Maastricht, Netherlands
  • 1996: MPhil Zoology (Parasitology), University of Ghana 
  • 1992: BSc Zoology, University of Ghana

Research Areas: 

  • Climate Change and Health
  • Sustainable Waste Management
  • Environmental Health
  • Public Health
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Parasitology
  • Epidemiology
  • Environment and Parasites of Wildlife

Research Activities:


  • Coastal Community Resilience to Climate Change and Diarrhoea funded by DANIDA, approx. DKK 11,969.990/USD 1.8 million, Principal Investigator, 2020 - 2025
  • Associate, West Africa Regional Hub of the African Research Universities Alliance, Centre of Excellence in Climate and Development (ARUA-CD
  • Cleaning from the Bottom Up: Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement for Integrated Solid Waste Management. International Science Council (ISC), €87,360.00, Co-Principal Investigator, 2019 - 2021.
  • Cross-National Study of Urban Solid Waste Management: Learnings and Way Forward. Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), £8000, Co Principal Investigator, 2018 – 2019
  • The anti-schistosoma cerecerial penetration properties and safety of tropical herbal formulation for control of schistosomiasis. Africa Development Bank, €45, 000.00, Research Lead, 2016 – 2017
  • The Special Treat Project – Ghana WASH Window. RVO, €6,000,000.00, Research Lead, 2015                           
  • Utilization of Organic Waste to Improve Agricultural Productivity (UOWIAP) in the Ga West Municipality, Greater Accra, Ghana. Food and Business Applied Research Fund, € 296,309.10, Principal Investigator, 2014- 2017
  • GPAP – Plastic Baseline Study - Maple Consult, Team Member, 2020
  • GAMA Integrated Urban Environmental Sanitation and Drainage Master Plan. Client/Financier: World Bank through Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Technical Working Group Member,  ongoing
  • Commonwealth Blue Charter Audit. Client/Financier: Commonwealth Blue Charter, UK. Lead Researcher for UG, 2019      
  • Chapter on Emergency Sanitation. Sanitation and Wastewater Management Atlas Emergency Sanitation Outlook in Africa. Client/Financier: GRID-Arendal. Lead Author, 2019.  
  • Sanitation Chapter, 2016 State of the Environment (SoE) in Ghana Report. Client/Financier: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana. Lead Author, 2016
  • Development of Guidelines for Solid Waste Management for Ghana, Client/Financier: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, Ghana. Team Member, 2016
  • Updating of Landfill Guidelines for Ghana. Client/Financier: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana. Team Member, 2016.
  • Development of Background documentation for Environmental Sanitation Standards, Progress Reports (1, 2 and 3) Client/Financier: Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Ghana. Lead Researcher, 2015.
  • Public Health aspect of the ‘Re-optimisation and Reoperation of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams project’: Public Health Impact Assessment Report, Client/Financier: Water Resources Commission (WRC), Accra. Lead Researcher, 2015.
  • Technical Report on Water Quality, Schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS in the Afram Plains of the Volta Basin, Volta Basin Research Project. Submitted to the Royal Danish Embassy. Lead Author, 2007.
  • Final Status Report on Schistosomiasis and HIV in the Lower Volta Basin, Volta Basin Research Project (VBRP).  Submitted to Ghana AIDS Commission. Lead Author, 2005.
  • Lower Volta Environmental Impact Studies, Team Member, 1997-2001.  
  • Technical Reports on Lower Volta Environmental Impact Studies, Volta Basin Research Project - Location, Population Size and Water Sources of Settlements in the Lower Volta Basin. VBRP Technical Rep. 1/96. Contributing Author, 1996.

Thesis Supervision

1. PhD Environmental Science

  • Saviour, Adjibolosu
  • Samuel, Aboagye

2. MPhil Environmental and Sanitation Studies

  • 2017: Kwabla, Theophilus A. Knowledge, perception and willingness to accept and utilize waste treatment by-products and organic crops produced using the by-products among consumers of different residential types
  • 2017: Dumahasi, Victor. The Resurgence of Cholera at the background of Faeco-Oral Diseases in Ghana: A search for the “Harbourage” (Reservoir) in the Greater Accra Region
  • 2016: Tibu, Composting experiment and Assessment of Composting as Waste Management strategy in Ga West Municipality
  • 2016:  Lois, Agbefe. Integrating waste segregation into solid waste management system: a case of some selected markets in Ga West Municipality
  • 2016: Emma, Owusua Gyan. Towards an understanding of some environmental and socio-economic indicators associated with Buruli ulcer (BU) endemicity: case study in the Ga West Municipality
  • 2015: Mahama, Adama. Heavy metal contamination of soil from incinerated clinical waste bottom – ash at the Korle Bu Teaching hospital dumps site
  • 2014: Adraki, Naomi. A comparative assessment of Phytoremediation and Slow Sand Filtration Technologies for the Secondary Treatment of Sewage Effluent and Public Views on the use of Treated Effluent.

3. Undergraduate

Level Department Total
BSc Animal Biology and Conservation Science, University of Ghana 23
BSc Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Ghana 1





Book Chapters

  1. Yirenya-Tawiah D, Annang, T., Ofori, BD, Fosu-Mensah, B.Y, Lawson, E.T., Yeboah, R., Owusu-Afriyie, K., Abudey, B.,Annan, T,  Datsa, C. and Gordon, C. (2020).  Urban Waste as a Resource for Development: Utilization of Organic Waste to Improve Agriculture Productivity in Accra, Ghana.  In Hiroshan et al (Ed), Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-36283-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-36283-6, 123-145.
  2. Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Boamah, D., Nukpezah, D., Gordon, C., Anyan, W., Ofosuhene, M and Bosompem, K (2017).  The anti-schistosoma cerecerial penetration properties and safety of tropical herbal formulation for control of schistosomiasis. In Dams, Development  and Downstream Communities: Implications for re-optimising the operations of the Akosombo and Kpong dams in Ghana ( Ed) Ntiamoah –Baidu, Ampomah, B.Y and Antwi Ofosu, E.  Digibooks Gh Ltd, Tema, Ghana
  3. Yirenya-Tawiah D, Fosu-Mensah B, Nukpezah D and Gordon C (2017).  Public Health Impact of Dam Re-operation and Re-optimization.  The case of the Lower Volta Basin. In Dams, Development  and Downstream Communities: Implications for re-optimisinh yhr operations of the Akosombo and Kpong dams in Ghana ( Ed) Ntiamoah –Baidu, Ampomah, B.Y and Antwi Ofosu, E.  Digibooks Gh Ltd, Tema, Ghana.
  4. Gordon, C., Nukpezah, D., Tweneboah-Lawson, E., Ofori, B.D., Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Pabi, O., Ayivor, J.S., Koranteng, S., Darko, D and Mensah, A.M (2013).  West Africa – Water Resources Vulnerability Using a Multidimensional: Case Study of Volta Basin.  Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, 283–309.
  5. Bosompem, K.M., Yirenya-Tawiah D., McCown A. C., Anyan W. K., Biritwum N.K., Acquah-Arhin R, Ankora L, Ahiabor, C (2012). Proceedings of the 1st Schistosomiasis Control Stakeholder Consultation, 15th March, 2012, Akosombo, Ghana.  Proceedings No. 1, Accra, Ghana.
  6. Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R., Amoah, C.M., Apea-Kubi K., Dade M, Annang., T., Lomo G and Bosompem, K.M  (2008).  Preliminary Investigations into Female Genital Schistosomiasis and Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Volta Basin, p27-34.  In Amoah, C.M, Adiku, S.G.K and Owusu, E. O (eds.).  New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin.  Volta Basin Research Project, Accra
  7. Bosompem, K.M., Amoah, C., Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R., Dade, M and Apea-Kubi, K.A (2008).  Schistosomiasis: Infection, Pathology and Implications, pp21-26.  In Amoah, C.M, Adiku, S.G.K and Owusu, E. O (eds.).  New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin.  Volta Basin Research Project, Accra.
  8. Ackumey, M.M., Yirenya-Tawiah D.R., Amoah, C.M., Dade, M and Bosompem, K. M (2008).  Local Perceptions of Genital Schistosomiasis in the Afram Plains District of Ghana, p 35-42.  In: In Amoah, C.M, Adiku, S.G.K and Owusu, E. O (eds.).  New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin.  Volta Basin Research Project, Accra

Journal Articles

  1. Saviour Adjibolosoo, Dzidzo Yirenya-Tawiah, Benjamin D. Ofori, Stephen Afranie and Philip B. Adongo (2019). OD in selected basic schools in Ghana: What role does culture play? Plos One (under review)
  2. Agbefe, L. E., Lawson, E. T., & Yirenya-Tawiah, D. (2019). Awareness on waste segregation at source and willingness to pay for collection service in selected markets in Ga West Municipality, Accra, Ghana. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 21(4), 905-914.
  3. Agbefe, L., Tweneboah Lawson, E and Yirenya-Tawiah, D (2019). Integrating waste segregation into solid waste management system in local markets in the Ga West Municipality, Accra Ghana.  Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (accepted)
  4. Tibu, C., Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Negasi, S and Annang T (2019). Effect of the Composting Process on Physicochemical Properties and Concentration of Heavy metals in Market Waste with Additive Materials in the Ga West Municipality, Ghana" International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (accepted )
  5. Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Darkwa, A and Dzodzomenyo, M (2018). Environmental surveillance for toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in selected households' water storage systems in Accra Metropolitan Area (AMA) prior to 2014 Cholera Outbreak in Accra, Ghana Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(28):28335-28343. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-2860
  6. Adjibolosoo, S., Adongo, P.A., Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Ofori, B.D and Afranie, S (2018). Knowledge and Perception of Pupils on Health and Environmental Risk of Open Defaecation: A case Study in the First Cycle Schools in Eastern and Volta Regions of Ghana.  Journal of Environment and Earth Science ,8(11), 129-142
  7. Fosu-Mensah, B.Y., Addae, E., Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R and Nyame, F. K. (2017). Heavy metals concentration levels and distribution in soils and vegetation at Korle Lagoon area in Accra, Ghana.  Cogent Environmental Science. 3: 1405887
  8. Yeboah-Asiamah, B Yirenya-Tawiah, D, Baafi, D and Ackumey, M (2017).  Perceptions and knowledge about prostate cancer and attitudes towards prostate cancer screening among male teachers in the Sunyani Municipality, Ghana.  African Journal of Urology- In press
  9. Aboagye SY, Asare P, Otchere ID, Koka E, Mensah GE, Yirenya-Tawiah D, Yeboah-Manu D. (2017). Environmental and Behavioral Drivers of Buruli Ulcer Disease in Selected Communities along the Densu River Basin of Ghana: A Case-Control Study.  The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 96(5) · March DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0749
  10. Aboagye, S, Danso, E, Ampah, K, A., Nakobu, Z., Asare, P., Otchere, I. D., Röltgen, K, Yirenya-Tawiah, D, Yeboah-Manu (2016). Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from the Environment of Buruli Ulcer Endemic Communities in Ghana.  Applied Environmental Microbiology, doi:10.1128/AEM.01002-16
  11. Yirenya-Tawiah, D. R., Ackumey, M. M., & Bosompem, K. M. (2016). Knowledge and awareness of genital involvement and reproductive health consequences of urogenital schistosomiasis in endemic communities in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Reproductive Health, 13, 117.
  12. Adama, M., Esena, R., Fosu-Mensah, B and Yirenya-Tawiah D (2016).  Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils Around A Hospital Waste Incinerator Bottom – Ash Dumps Site. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2016, 1-7,
  13. Pesewu ,G. A., Bentum, D., Olu-Taiwo M.A., Glover, K and Yirenya-Tawiah D.R (2016).  Bacteriological quality of the wastewater used for irrigation at the vegetable farms in Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, Accra Metropolis, Ghana Tropical Doctor, 1-5, DOI: 10.1177/0049475516629534.
  14. Ayivor, J.S., Pabi,O., Ofori, B.D.,Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R and Gordon, C (2016).  Agro-Diversity in the Forest-Savannah Transition Zone of Ghana: A Strategy for Food Security against Climatic and Socio-Economic Stressors.  Environment and Natural Resources Research; 6 (1), 1-12.
  15. Mensah, M., Fosu-Mensah, B.Y and Yirenya-Tawiah, D (2014).  Assessing Public Perception of Beach Quality for Ecotourism Development: A Case Study in Kokrobite Beach in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana.  Journal of Environment and Earth Science 4 (11), 58-66.
  16. Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Annang, T., Apea-Kubi, K.A., Lomo, G., Mensah, D., Akyeh L and  Bosompem, K.M (2014).   Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorhoea occurrence among women living in urogenital schistosomiasis endemic area in Ghana  BMC Research Notes, 7, 349.
  17. Annang, T.Y., Yirenya-Tawiah, R.D., Clerk, G.C and Smith, T (2014).  Some aspects of the ecology of freshwater algae in the Densu River and two tributaries in Southern Ghana.  International Journal Of Environment, 3 (2), 246-257
  18. Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R., Amoa,C.M., Apea-Kubi,K.A., Dade D., Lomo, G., Mensah, D., AkyehL and Bosompem, K.M (2013).  Female genital schistosomiasis, genital tract infections and HIV co-infection in the Volta Basin of Ghana.  International Journal for Tropical Diseases and Health, 3(2): 94-103
  19. Annang T.Y., Yirenya-Tawiah R.D and Clerk, G.C (2012).  Preliminary Studies on the Occurrence of Freshwater Epipelic Algae in the Densu Basin in Southern Ghana.  West African Journal of Ecology, 20(2), 11-17
  20. Yirenya-Tawiah D.R, D and Tweneboah, E (2012).  Boosting Health. Development and Coperation,.39, 327-329
  21. Dzidzo Regina Yirenya-Tawiah, Ted Annang, Joseph Otchere, Daniel Bentum, Dominic Edoh, Cecilia Amoah and Kwabena Mante Bosompem (2011). Urinary Schistosomiasis among Adults in the Volta Basin of Ghana: Prevalence, Knowledge and Practice. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology,34, 1-16
  22. D. R. Yirenya-Tawiah, A. Abdul Rashid, G Futagbi, I. Aboagye and M. Dade (2011). Prevalence of Snail Vectors of Schistosomiasis in the Kpong Head Pond, Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 18, 39-45
  23. D. Yirenya-Tawiah, C. Amoah, K. A. Apea-Kubi, M. Dade, M. Ackumey,T. Annang, D. Y. Mensah and K. M. Bosompem (2011). A Survey of Female Genital Schistosomiasis of the lower reproductive tract in the Volta Basin of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal, 45, 16-21
  24. Futagbi, G., Agyei,D.O., Aboagye, I.F., Yirenya-Tawiah, D.R., and Edoh, D.A. (2010). Intestinal Parasites of the Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus, Temminck 1827) from Kwaebibirem District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. West Africa Journal of Applied Ecology, 17, 81-83.
  25. D.R. Yirenya-Tawiah, C.M. Amoah, M. Dade, T. Annang. and K. M. Bosompem (2009). HIV Testing In Community Based Research: A Case Study Of Female Genital Schistosomiasis and HIV In The Volta Basin Of Ghana. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 11(1), 85-91.
  26. K.M. Bosompem, C.Amoah, D.R. Yirenya-Tawiah, M, Dade and Apea-Kubi (2008). Schistosomiasis: Infection, Pathology and Implications, pp21-26. In: C.M. Amoah, S.G.K. Adiku and E. O. Owusu (eds.). New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin. Volta Basin Research Project
  27. D. R. Yirenya-Tawiah, C. M. Amoah, K. Apea-Kubi , M. Dade , T.Annang., G. Lomo and K. M. Bosompem (2008). Preliminary Investigations into Female Genital Schistosomiasis and Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Volta Basin, p27-34. In: C.M. Amoah, S.G.K. Adiku and E. O. Owusu (eds.). New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin. Volta Basin Research Project
  28. M.M. Ackumey, D.R. Yirenya-Tawiah, C. M. Amoah , M. Dade and K. M. Bosompem (2008). Local Perceptions of Genital Schistosomiasis in the Afram Plains District of Ghana, p 35-42. In: C.M. Amoah, S.G.K. Adiku and E. O. Owusu (eds.). New Developments on Health, Agricultural resources and Socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin. Volta Basin Research Project
  29. D.Yirenya-Tawiah, et al. (2006). Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV infection in Ghana. : AIDS - XVI International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. CDC0743

Others (Conference proceedings, information/policy briefs, articles, etc.)

  1. Bosompem, K.M., Yirenya-Tawiah D., McCown A. C., Anyan W. K., Biritwum N.K., Acquah-Arhin R, Ankora L, Ahiabor, C (2012). Proceedings of the 1st Schistosomiasis Control Stakeholder Consultation, 15th March, 2012, Akosombo, Ghana.  Proceedings No. 1, Accra, Ghana. 

National and International Conferences, Trainings etc.

  • 2020: Planetary Health Alliance 2020, Presenter, Wastewater released into the Onyasia stream by a sewage treatment plant in Accra, Ghana: what are the bacterial loads and antibiotic resistance profiles? Marine litter and Health on the African Continent. Kairaba Beach Hotel Banjul, Gambia, 22nd – 24th January 2020
  • 2019: CReWAS Conference 2019, Planning Committee Member and Panellist October 16 -17 2019
  • 2019: Africa Clean-Up Conference, 4th Edition, Speaker, Proffering Solutions to the Challenges of Environmental Sustainability Development in Africa, Ghana Nurses and Midwives Council, Shiashie, Accra, 2nd -3rd August, 2019.
  • 2018: A SITE4Society multi-stakeholder workshop at UNU-MERIT Science, Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship for Societal Welfare, Participant, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 13th -15th, 2018
  • 2018: The National Sanitation Authority, Participant, A Panacea for tackling Ghana’s Sanitation Challenges, Mensvic Hotel, East Legon, 23rd August 2018
  • 2018: Urban Sanitation Forum, ‘Taking Urban Sanitation Solutions To Scale’, Participant, Movenpick Ambassador Hotel, Accra, 29th May – 1st June 2018
  • 2018: Climate Change, Agriculture and Health, Presenter, Harvard, Boston
  • 2018: Recirculate Health and Sanitation, Workshop, Lancaster, East Legon, Accra, 11-16 February 2018
  • 2018: Climate, Landuse, Mining and Sanitation for Sustainable Development (CLaMSS), Presenter, International House, University of Ghana, Legon, 27th - 28th February 2018
  • 2017: Food and Business ARF & GCP Research-Policy Dialogue, Presenter, The Hague, The Netherlands November 30 - December 1, 2017
  • 2017: Sustainability Dialogue International Conference on Sustainability and Environmental Management, Presenter, University of Ghana, Legon, 15th –16 February 2017      
  • 2016: College of Basic and Applied Science, Science and Development Platform, Annual Conference, Presenter, on In vitro evaluation of Balanities aegyptiaca (Linn)del extracts Foranti-Schistosoma cercarial cytotoxic properties, University of Ghana, Legon. 17-19th February 2016
  • 2016: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Programme Ghana country workshop, Food and Business Applied Research Fund, Accra, Ghana, 12th Dec. 2016                       
  • 2016: DAAD, CNRD Annual Network Meeting, Da Nang, Vietnam, 31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2016
  • 2016: Ghana Science Association, 15 Biennial Workshop, Erata Hotel, Accra, 3rd August 2016
  • 2016: Science and Development Platform Annual Conference (CBAS), Presenter, Organic waste utilization as a waste management strategy in the Ga-West Municipality, Center for African Wetlands, University of Ghana, Legon, 17-19th February, 2016.
  • 2015: Ghana Academy of Arts and Science Public Forum, Presenter, The Current Household and Domestic Waste Situation in Ghana: Urban and Rural Perspective, Ghana Academy of Arts and Science Hall, Accra, 8-10th June, 2015
  • 2015: First Food and Business Applied Research ARF and CRF Projects workshop, Entebbe, Uganda, 1st-3rd Oct. 2015
  • 2015:   Eco-city World Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 11th -13th Oct. 2015
  • 2015: Technology assessment for CLTS validation Workshop, Participant, Crystal Palm Hotel, Accra, 21st July 2015
  • 2014: DILIC 2014 Conference on Innovation and African Development, CSIR-STEPRI, Accra, 3rd -5th Nov. 2014
  • 2014: CAPREX workshop on Costing and Pricing, University of Ghana, Legon, 14th May 2014
  • 2014: United Nation Social Good Summit, Creative Storms Networks, Airport: Panel Discussant, Use of technology (social media) to improve waste management in Ghana, Creative Storms, Accra, 22nd Sept, 2014
  • 2014: Introduction to Intellectual Property commercialization and entrepreneurship seminar, University of Ghana, Legon, July 21, 2014
  • 2014: CAPREX workshop on Costing and Pricing, University of Ghana, Legon, 14th May 2014
  • 2013: 3rd State of the Environment Forum, Presenter, Old practice made new: Sustainable Environmental Sanitation, British Council, Accra, 2nd July 2013
  • 2012: UG-Carnegie Next Generation Of Academics In Africa Project, Proposal Writing Workshop, University of Ghana, Legon, 31st July-2nd Aug.2012
  • 2012: PhD Supervision Trainer of Trainers Workshop, Building Stronger Universities, Kumasi, 20th March, 2012
  • 2012: 1st National Schistosomiasis Forum, Volta Hotel, Akosombo, 20th March, 2012
  • 2012: START “Global Environmental Change Research & Learning Forum” Mensvic Grand Hotel, Accra, 14th -16th Nov.2012
  • 2012: UG-Carnegie Off-Campus “Write-Shop” For Faculty Members, Koforidua, 11th -16th Dec.2012
  • 2011: Inception workshop for the implementation project on National Biosafety Framework, Erata Hotel, Accra, 5th Dec. 2011
  • 2011: International Conference on “Placing Health at the Centre of Development in Africa”, Best Western Premier Hotel, Presenter, Association of HIV and Genital Schistosomiasis in women co-infected with C. albicans in the Volta Basin of Ghana, Accra, 25th -27th Oct. 2011
  • 2011: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Regional Expert Meeting Africa: WGII and WGIII, Mensvic Hotel, Accra, 9th – 11th Aug. 2011
  • 2010: ResearchOne Conference, Presenter (poster), Female Genital Schistosomiasis in Ghana, University of South Florida, Tampa University of South Florida, Tampa, USA, October, 2010 

Teaching in last three years:

  • FAC  701      - Science and Society
  • ESCI 702     - Emerging Environmental Issues for the 21st Century
  • ESCI 705     - Sustainable Sanitation and Health
  • ESCI 606     - Environmental Impact Assessment