Senior Research Fellow
Educational History
PhD (Environmental Science), University of Ghana
MPhil (Botany - Ecology and Environmental Studies), University of Ghana
BSc (Botany and Zoology), University of Ghana
Short /Other Courses
Evidence-Based Conservation, University of Bangor, Wales Management Information Systems, Inst. Of Financial Acct, UK Principles of management, Inst. Of Financial Acct, UK
Research Interest
- Land-use/cover dynamics and sustainable management
- GIS and Remote Sensing: Environmental and Sustainable Resource Use Management Applications.
- Climate Change
- Landscape analysis and modeling
- Hazard risk assessment and Early Warning Systems
- Volta re-operation and optimization project
- Coastal erosion, flooding and inundation risk mapping of the coastal area of greater accra within a climate change context.
- Climate change impacts on upwelling and fish catch
- The development of an early warning system framework for coastal flooding
- Building capacity for climate change adaptation in Ghana
- Mapping of black soils in Ghana.
- Waterpower: Rising tides, urban growth and the political ecology of urban water management
- Property, access and exclusion along the charcoal commodity chain in Ghana
Supervision of MPhil Thesis
- Changing climate and land-use/cover on water resources in the Lower Volta River Basin, Ghana
- Impacts of septic tank effluent on Borehole water quality in selected localities in the Accra Metropolis
- Assessment of air quality impact on women and children in the Accra Metropolis
- Spatial mapping of noise exposure zones derived from religious activities and perceptions in residential neighbourhoods: the case of Ashaiman municipality, Ghana.
- Analysis of Landfill Site Suitability in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area
Remote sensing and geographic information systems
- D.B.K. Dovie, O. Pabi. (2023) Partial climatic risk screening, adaptation and livelihoods in a coastal urban area in Ghana. Habitat International 138, 102868 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102868
- I. Lente, W.K. Heve, M.Y. Owusu-Twum, C. Gordon, P. Opoku, D. Nukpezah. (2023). Nature of climate change-induced risks in semi-arid northwestern Ghana: Gauged observations, perceptions of smallholder farmers, and perspectives for livelihood adaptation. Information Development, 02666669231185323 https://doi.org/10.1177/02666669231185323
- M.O. Ansah, O. Pabi, J.S. Ayivor. (2023) The prospect of biodiversity conservation in cocoa agroforestry landscape, Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology 31 (1), 44-55
- Ayamga, J., Pabi, O., Amisigo, B. A., Fosu-Mensah, B. Y., & Codjoe, S. N. A. (2021). Annual and intra-annual climate variability and change of the Volta Delta, Ghana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(4), 1-19.
- Pabi, O., Egyir, S., & Attua, E. M. (2021). Flood hazard response to scenarios of rainfall dynamics and land use and land cover change in an urbanized river basin in Accra, Ghana. City and Environment Interactions, 12, 100075.
- Opoku, P., & Adu-Asare, A. (2021). Complex multispatio-periodic land use and land cover change processes, and woody resources management in a forest-Savanna Ecotone, Ghana. Trees, Forests and People, 6, 100144.
- Pabi, O., Adu-Asare, A., & Ofori, B. D. (2020). Linking Optical SPOT and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle data for a rapid biomass estimation in a Forest-savanna Transitional Zone of Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 28(1), 1-20.
- Attua, E. M, Ayamga, J and Pabi, O. (2014). Relating Land Use and Land Cover to Surface Water Quality in the Densu River basin, The International Journal of River basin Management
- Attua, E. M and Pabi, O. (2013). Tree composition, richness & diversity in the forest –savanna ecotone of Ghana. Journal of Applied Biosciences 69:5437 – 5448, ISSN 1997–5902.
- Gordon, C., Nukpezah, D., Tweneboah-Lwason, E., Ofori, B. D.,Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Pabi, O., Ayivor, J. S., Koranteng, S., Darko, D., Mensah, A. M. (2013). West Africa – Water Resources Vulnerability Using a Multidimentional Approach: Case Study of the Volta Basin. Climate Vulnerability. Volume 5., pp283-309.
- Pabi, O (2009) Land Types and Sustainable Cocoa Production in Ghana; Lessons from GIS applications, West African Journal of Applied Ecology,14, 1,
- Pabi, O and Attua E M (2009) Sustainable Land-Use Evaluation on Steep Landscapes and Flood Plains in the New Juabeng District of Ghana: A GIS Approach. Ghana Journal of Geography Vol 1, 116-134.
- Amanor, K. and Pabi, O. (2007) Rhetoric, time and spatial change of agriculture land use in the northern-savanna transitional zone of Ghana. Human Ecology, 35, 51-67.
- Pabi, O (2007) Policy, management and development processes: Participatory GIS in the Ghanaian perspective. Africa GIS Development, 2 (1) 18-24.
- Guyer,J Lambin, E, Cliggett, L, Walker, P, Amanor, K, Bassett, T, Colson, E, Hay, R, Homewood, K, Linares, O, Pabi, O, Peters, P, Scudder, T, Turner, M, Unruh, J.(2007) Temporal Heterogeneity in the Study of African Land Use: Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Anthropology, Human Geography and Remote Sensing, Human Ecology, 35. 3-17
- Pabi, O (2007) Understanding land-use/cover change dynamics for land-use management in Ghana. Geojournal , 68,369-383.
- Pabi, O and Attua E. M. (2005) Spatio-temporal differentiation of land use cover dynamics and land-resource management. Bulletin of Ghana Geographical Assoc. 24, 90-102.