Senior Research Fellow
Educational History
- PhD (Soil Science) University of Ghana
- M. Phil. (Soil Science) University of Ghana, Legon
- BSc. Agric. Science (Soil Science Major) University of Ghana, Legon
Research Interests
- Soil Conservation, Pollution Control and Remediation
- Agrochemical transport in porous media.
Current Research Project
- Impact of Soil and Crop Management Practices on Erosion, Plant Nutrient and Agrochemical Transport on Selected Soil Types in the Afram Section of the Volta Basin. The project seeks to examine and select soil management strategies that minimize sediment and agrochemical removal and transport from cultivated lands adjacent to the tributaries of Volta Lake within the Afram plains.
- Microplastic pollution and possible effects on moisture flow and nutrient dynamics in agricultural soils.
- Mechanisms of Agrochemical Transport in Some Cultivated Soils in Ghana.
Pipeline Research Project
- Tillage practices and their relationship with land degradation in the Afram Plains of the Volta Basin.
- R Osae, D Nukpezah, DA Darko, SS Koranteng, A Mensah. (2023). Accumulation of heavy metals and human health risk assessment of vegetable consumption from a farm within the Korle lagoon catchment. Heliyon 9 (5) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16005
- Osae, R., Nukpezah, D., Darko, D.A. and Mensah, A.M. (2022). Heavy metal mobility, bioavailability, and potential toxicity in sediments of the Korle lagoon in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Studies. doi: 10.1080/00207233.2022.2042971.
- Altaf, R., Ullah, Z., Darko, D. A., Iqbal, A. Khan, M. S.* and Asif, M (2022). Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Detection of Chlorpyrifos (an Organophosphate Pesticide). ASEAN Journal of Science and Engineering. 2(3) 257-266.
- Singh, R., Ullah, S., Rao, N., Singh, M., Patra, I., Darko, D. A.*, Isaac, C. P. J., Esmaeilzadeh-Salestani, K., Kanaoujiya, R. and V. Vijayan, V. (2021). Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Reduced-Graphene Oxide from Graphene Oxide. Journal of Nanomaterials: Hindawi (Accepted for publication).
- Nartey, E. K., Darko, D. A.* and Sulemana, N. (2021). Integrated Bioplant and Groundnut Hust Biochar Compost Application on Yield of Lettuce in a Rhodic Kandiustalf. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Land, Livelihoods and Food Security. 2021. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.676776. (Accepted for publication).
- Danso, F., Nartey, E. K., Dowuona, G. N. N., Darko, D. A., Adjadeh, T. A. and Laryea, K. B. (2021). Removal of Phosphate from Simulated Domestic Waste Water Using Sorbents Under Constructed Wetlands. International Journal of Environment and Waste Maanagement. (Accepted for publication).
- Sulemana, N., Nartey, E.K., Abekoe, M.K., Adjadeh, T.A. and Darko, D.A. (2021). Use of Biochar-Compost for Phosphorus Availability to Maize in a Concretionary Ferric Lixisol in Northern GHANA. Agronomy (2021), 11, 359. doi:10.3390/ agronomy11020359.
- Narh, S., *Darko, D.A., Koranteng, S.S., Tettey, A., Agyei, K.M. and Acquah, D. (2020) Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Irrigated Rice Production Systems in Ghana. Journal of Environmental Protection, 11, 938-953. doi.org/10.4236/jep.2020.1111059
- Frimpong-Manso, E., Nartey, E. K., Adjadeh, T. A. and Darko, D. A. (2020). Efficacy of Corncob and Rice Husk Biochar as Liming Agent and Phosphorus Source for Growth of Soybean in Two Acid Soils. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 28(1): 113 – 130.
- Frimpong-Manso, E., Nartey, E. K., Adjadeh, T. A., Darko, D. A., Lawson, I. Y. D and Amoatey, C.A. 2019. Use of Corn Cob and Rice Husk Biochar as Liming Materials in Acid Soils. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 27(2): 32 – 50.
- Darko, D. A., Nartey, E. K., Adiku, S. and Laryea, K.B. (2019). Influence of Method of Residue Application and Moisture Content on Water Soluble Nitrogen in a Rhodic Kandiustalf Amended with Different Fallow Plant Materials. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 27(1): 66 – 77.
- Koranteng, S.S., Darko, D.A., Nukpezah, D. and Ameka, G.K. (2018). Pesticide Bioconcentration Potential of Aquatic Plants in the Volta Lake. West African Journal of Applied Ecology 26(SI) 193 – 202.
- Koranteng, S.S., Darko, D.A., Ameka, G.K., Owusu, E.O. (2017). Residues and Risk Assessment of Organochlorine Pesticides in Surface Sediment of Afram River of Ghana. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment. Vol. 7(1) 30 – 37. ISSN 2248 – 9649.
- Gordon, C., Darko, D. A. et al (2013). West Africa – Water Resources Vulnerability using a Multidimensional Approach: A Case Study of Volta Basin; Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Journal of Climate Vulnerability. pp. 283-309. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press. ISBN: 9780123847034.
- Lawson, I. Y. D., Nartey, E. K., Darko, D. A., Okrah, V. A. and Tsatsu, D. (2012). Microbial degradation potential of some Ghanaian soils contaminated with diesel oil. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America. Vol. 3. No. 1: 1 - 5. ISSN: 2151 – 7525.
- Workshop on the Revision of the 2007 National Water Policy. November 18 – 19, 2020. Hill View Guest Centre, Abokobi, Accra.
Teaching in last three years
- ESCI 601: Soil, Water and Air Quality
- ESCI 607: Environmental Chemistry
- ESCI 702: Emerging Environmental Issues