Year of Employment 2019
Sammy Yaw Aboagye is a Biomedical and Public Health Research Scientist whose research activities have focused mainly on the two mycobacterial diseases of public health importance Buruli ulcer (BU) and Tuberculosis (TB) as well as diarrhoeal causing pathogens. His interests are to 1) contribute to understanding the ecology and transmission of the causative agent of BU; Mycobacterium ulcerans employing environmental, molecular and microbiological approaches, 2) understanding the biology and the ecological niche adaption of one of the main human adapted TB causing pathogens; Mycobacterium africanum, which is restricted to West African countries and 3) profiling of patterns and trends of diarrhoeal causing pathogens using Next Generation Sequencing. He leads a team that provides reference laboratory services; PCR diagnostics and culture services to the Ghana Health Services and has also been involved in the evaluation of diagnostic tools including the OMNI gene SPUTUM reagent as a sputum transport medium and feasibility of downstream DNA based assays and the TB-Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) to accurately detect TB. His works have received support from the UBS Optimus Foundation, Switzerland (under DYM Projects, NMIMR) and the Holgar Pollman Foundation, Germany.
Educational History
- Ph.D. Environmental Science, University of Ghana-2017
- MPhil. Biochemistry, University of Ghana-2011
- BSc. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Cape Coast-2006
Research Interests
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Environmental microbiology
- Adverse health outcomes from climate change
- Molecular epidemiology of bacterial infections
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Microbiome (Gut and Skin)
Current Research Projects
- Gut microbiome profile of diarrhoeal patients in Ga West Municipality Accra, Ghana
- Antimicrobial resistance profiles using One Health Approach
- Differential Diagnosis of neglected tropical skin infections
- Salmonella Typhi ecological niches
Book Chapters
- Yeboah-Manu D., Asante-Poku A., Yaw Aboagye S. (2022) Primary Isolation of Mycobacterium ulcerans. In: Pluschke G., Röltgen K. (eds) Mycobacterium ulcerans. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2387. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1779-3_3 https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-0716-1779-3_3
Journal Publications
- Mizutani, T., Aboagye, S.Y., Ishizaka, A., Afum, T., Mensah, G.I., Asante-Poku, A., Asandem, D.A., Parbie, P.K., Abana, C.Z.Y., Kushitor, D. and Bonney, E.Y., 2021. Gut microbiota signature of pathogen-dependent dysbiosis in viral gastroenteritis. Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.1-11 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93345-y
- Ameke, S., Asare, P., Aboagye, S.Y., Otchere, I.D., Osei-Wusu, S., Yeboah-Manu, D. and Asante-Poku, A., 2021. Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in the Volta Region of Ghana. Plos one, 16(3), p.e0238898. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0238898
- Danso, E.K., Asare, P., Otchere, I.D., Akyeh, L.M., Asante-Poku, A., Aboagye, S.Y., Osei-Wusu, S., Opare, D., Ntoumi, F., Zumla, A. and Duodu, S., 2020. A molecular and epidemiological study of Vibrio cholerae isolates from cholera outbreaks in southern Ghana. Plos one, 15(7), p.e0236016. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0236016
- Amponsah, I.K., Atchoglo, P.K., Ackah, R.Y., Fokou, P.V.T., Aboagye, S.Y., Yeboah-Manu, D., Appiah-Opong, R. and Mensah, A.Y., 2021. In vitro Anti-Mycobacterium ulcerans and cytotoxic activities of some selected medicinal plants and an indoloquinoline alkaloid. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 10(1), p.60. https://www.ijmyco.org/article.asp?issn=2212 5531;year=2021;volume=10;issue=1;spage=60;epage=65;aulast=Amponsah
- Asante-Poku, A.; Morgan, P.; Aboagye, S.Y.; Asare, P.; Otchere, I.D.; M. Adadey, S.; Minka, K.; Hayibor, K.M.; Arthur, N.; Forson, A.; Mazandu, G.; Wonkam, A.; Yeboah-Manu, D. Human slc11a1 Gene Polymorphism Has the Propensity to Confer Susceptibility to M. Africanum TB Disease in Ghana. Preprints 2020, 2020080375 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202008.0375.v1).https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202008.0375
- Ameke, S., Asare, P., Aboagye, S.Y., Otchere, I.D., Osei-Wusu, S., Yeboah-Manu, D. and Asante-Poku, A., 2020. Phylogenetic population structure and drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in the Volta Region of Ghana. bioRxiv. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.27.269662.abstract
- Asante-Poku, A., Morgan, P., Osei-Wusu, S., Aboagye, S.Y., Asare, P., Otchere, I.D., Adadey, S.M., Mnika, K., Esoh, K., Mawuta, K.H. and Arthur, N., 2021. Genetic Analysis of TB Susceptibility Variants in Ghana Reveals Candidate Protective Loci in SORBS2 and SCL11A1 Genes. Frontiers in https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc8886735/bin/table1.pdf
- Gallinger, T.L., Aboagye, S.Y., Obermann, W., Weiss, M., Grünweller, A., Unverzagt, C., Williams, D.L., Schlitzer, M. and Haeberlein, S., 2022. First In Silico Screening of Insect Molecules for Identification of Novel Anti-Parasitic Compounds. Pharmaceuticals, 15(2), p.119. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/15/2/119
- Ndegwa, F.K., Kondam, C., Aboagye, S.Y., Esan, T.E., Waxali, Z.S., Miller, M.E., Gikonyo, N.K., Mbugua, P.K., Okemo, P.O., Williams, D.L. and Hagen, T.J., 2022. Traditional Kenyan herbal medicine: exploring natural products’ therapeutics against schistosomiasis. Journal of Helminthology, 96. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-helminthology/article/traditional-kenyan-herbal-medicine-exploring-natural-products-therapeutics-against-schistosomiasis/566A6555EF7B3419AEF8649C1D123C7E
He has over 20 research publications that can be accessed in the Google scholar link below https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=heUKFmkAAAAJ&hl=en