Mr. Roland Akuka Apambilla (Ghanaian) is a born again Christian and holds BSc (Animal Biology and Conservation Science), MPhil (Climate Change and Sustainable Development) from the University of Ghana. Mr. Roland is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental Science at the Institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana. He has also served as a graduate assistant at the Centre for Climate Change Sustainability Studies where he helps in fieldwork, data collection and providing assistance to graduate students in their proposal development and data anakysis.
Roland’s career objective is to become an expert in climate change and environmental sustainability science to contribute significantly to the mitigation and adaptation efforts towards addressing the myriad environmental and socio-economic challenges that face the world today, particularly biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation for human well- being and environmental sustainability through quality research with relevance to policy and practice. My research interest is about understanding how climate change impacts biodiversity, ecosystem services and their resilience in sustainable human livelihoods generation. My proposed Ph.D. research project is on ‘‘Mapping and Valuation of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Human Livelihoods and Improve Biodiversity Conservation using Integrated Valuation of Ecosystems Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) Model’’.This study seeks to ascertain empirically, the impact and the role that ecosystem services play in local livelihoods generation to help policy decision in designing sustainable policy. For instance, payment for ecosystem services framework to enhance effective ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation.